VentureTech, in addition to actively and continuously scouting for potential portfolio companies, is open to unsolicited proposals from companies that have the passion and confidence to strive for excellence.

The process begins with the review of the applicant's business plan. Applicants should initially submit an in-depth company overview to facilitate the process. Initial engagement materials may be emailed to any member of the team or mailed to:

VentureTech Alliance
2585 Junction Ave.
San Jose, CA. 95134

After VentureTech reviews your business plan, we will contact you and provide feedback as to whether there is interest to proceed to the next step. It will typically take 2-3 weeks to get back to applicants. If there is interest in proceeding, the next step will either be a request for addition information or an initial face-to-face meeting to further discuss the business plan and to get acquainted with your management team.

This is the first phase of our due diligence stage, where we do extensive industry research, analyze your product and technology, and study in-depth your financial assumptions. This phase usually takes several weeks to complete.

If VentureTech decides to invest in your company, we will continue to support and advise you, using VentureTech's strong management experience and broad array of relationships and partnerships. We will work closely with you to help your company, your products, and your team achieve their optimal market success.